

PDBW is a criteria for us as students to be committed to our learning.

So what does this stand for? Personal, Development, Behaviour and welfare.

Personal could mean that we are achieving our personal goals as an individual and being unique with every piece of work that we are producing, so we can develop as people with our skills. Personal could also mean that we are keeping ourselves and others safe and being around a safe and happy environment. For me this could be to

Development could be understood as having self-confidence and self-awareness in our own individual achievements and goals, that we are aiming towards. For us to become a better person, development could also mean to develop on our skills we already know, to achieve our best work and show a better understanding of the tasks we need to complete.

Behaviour is our mind set to our work and management of our feelings and behaviour towards each other and how we approach each tasks. Behaviour is how we manage our emotions in a professional environment to show a competent attitude.

Welfare is our well being and looking after one another to ensure that we are all happy and being the best version of ourselves, which can reflect on our choices for the next stage in our education or work place. This will enhance our attendance and knowledge because tutorials won't be missed building our confidence with the tasks.

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