
My Finished T-Shirt Design

For my T-Shirt design I looked in shops and on social media for designs that were currently trending. I found that the black outline of an image was popular with a block of colour that is not directly filling in the outlines.
I used this effect as I feel like it's eye catching design that you don't find on many t-shirts in the stores. The galaxy effect is used to match the design but, also the dark and purple colours create a sense of luxury. These colours reflect magic and being mysterious, which a galaxy creates this sense of the solar system being magical and mysterious.

I liked the look of the galaxy effect. For the planet I used the elliptical marquee tool and held down shift so it would be a perfect circle. For the ring around the planet again, I used the elliptical marquee tool for the circle then I warped it so I could make it less round and make it look more like a ring. In the circle the ring was showing though so I got rid of that by using the magic wand tool and selecting the lines that I wanted to get rid of. For the moon I used a PNG picture from Google and again used the magic wand tool to get rid of the background. Then I used the custom shape tool again for the stars and used the triangle tool and drew two triangles the opposite way from each other. I then copied and pasted the stars so I had more than 1 star and I scattered them around until I was happy with them.
For the galaxy design I searched on Google for a galaxy background and then I used the elliptical marquee tool to cut out the circle and copied and pasted it onto a new layer and got rid of the original picture.

This is my design printed onto the t-shirt. To print the design I flipped the image so when it was printed onto the top it was the correct way around. I printed this onto magic touch paper and then I used a heat press to print the picture onto the top. I placed the design onto the top where I wanted it to be placed then I put the heat on it for 30 seconds and did that again after moving the paper out of the way so it could seal. 

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