
Barclays Wheel Of Strenth

As part of our lessons designing our creative cv, we created a Barclays account so we could use their Wheel Of Strength to see what jobs might fit with our skills. Firstly we had to add our strengths and then what we are interested in and added all these to our wheel. Then we had to add our personality so it could match up with some jobs.

Above is a screen shot of my wheel and the jobs that were suggested for me. Even though some of these jobs seem ridiculous and not anything I would go into it has definitely opened up my mind for my future jobs. Currently I work in retail so the wheel has recognised the skills I have from retail. Also I am interested in Graphics Designing and being a Social Media Manager, again the wheel has picked up on those skills again.

Being a beauty therapist does not interest me at all, even though I like fashion and occasionally wear makeup when going out to make myself look more presentable, being a therapist wouldn't be a profession I would go into.

For a customer service advisor, in a way I already do that in my current job. Making sure that the customer is happy and listening to what the customer wants. But, I would not want to sit at a desk all day answering phone calls and listening to people complain all day.

Overall, this wheel did really make me more open minded, but I did hope for more accurate results.

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